Thursday, February 25, 2010

Me just ramblin'

Hey folks, it has been a while. I'm getting used to this whole limited computer access sitch, but it's certainly affecting my blog frequency among other things. And as a result I'm going to just spit out anything that comes to my mind in this short 30 minute access period that I'm given.
Bare-footed. It's a very common means of walking around, here. It is socially acceptable to roam shoeless through the malls, streets, and campus. I've enjoyed it on occasion, myself. It instills a feeling of freedom. Consequentially, my feet's soles are always black, but it's no big deal because everyone else's are, too. Also, I have gotten used to sand constantly occupying my many crevices. Speaking of feet, my Birkie tan is becoming more defined.

We have a mini-gecko who constantly occupies our bedroom. I've named him 'Joe the frog' because i believe it's the reincarnation of the 444's late pet. 

Let's It's huge here. Super 14 tourney commenced a bit ago, which consists of the 14 best club teams in the world. We've been following the Cape Town Stormers religiously, who are 2-0 now. We're going to their 3rd game tomorrow evening, and it should be a blast. The more i'm understanding the game, the more I'm loving it more and more.

March should be a good month, despite the fact that I won't be able to catch any ncaa tourney action. We have our spring break, where i think some guys and i will be renting a car and roadtripping around southern Africa. We haven't discussed specific plans, yet. And then the week that follows, my parents are visiting and i'm really looking forward to that.

I've gotten into the whole school groove. My 3 classes shouldn't really pose any problems, nor should they really interfere with having fun. So far, quite easy. The classes are: history of so. Africa to 1900; African lit & lang; and crime and deviance in south African cities. Sadly there have been three students murdered in the past month. There was just a ceremony on campus held for the most recent victim, who was stabbed to death downtown.

I plan to begin working out, I think, in attempt to discredit Ben Oswald who claimed that it's impossible to study abroad and not come back 20 lbs fatter. We'll see. Mom, I'm wearing sunscreen and being safe. 

I think i've said enough, and i have no more time in which to say more anyways. Hi to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. No reason to worry about NCAA b-ball when you have the Cape Town Stormers going up against the Brambies. I haven't heard who won that game or how Bryan Habana played.
