Friday, March 5, 2010


Hey, my laptop turned on today for the first time in 3 weeks. I'm on cloud 9. Friday evening. Starting the evening with chardonnay and poker. I know the combination of those two seems kind of oxymoronic, but I'm fine with it. Catching up on all the bros' blogs, and just happy to have a computer in front of me.

This just in: There's a tentative plan to skype the 444 in the next 24 hours!

Paid for our rental cars for our spring break road trip today. 2 more weeks till it's upon us. We are trippin to Krueger National Park, and then heading into Mozambique for the latter half of it. There's 8 of us in all. It should be a blast.

Heading downtown later this evening. I'm not really sure what's up. I'm off.


  1. I won't ask you to explain the computer, but I hope the luck continues.
    Spring break to Krueger!!!!!....good for you.
    I'm ecstatic for the experiences that you are experiencing.
    Quit spending so much money.
    Luv ya....more than u know

  2. you're living the life! jealous!
