Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winds & Fins

Today I made it to the beach for the first time. A bunch of us finished registering for classes, which is all done on paper and takes way too long, and hopped on the train near lower campus and set out east toward the coast in Muzenberg—just a few townships away. At the beach, there is endless coastline with sharp mountains everywhere. It is very, very windy, creating large, choppy waves that start a few hundred yards from the shoreline. It is a beautiful, quiet town—more of a place for locals, rather than tourists. We didn’t really do much..just ate sandy chicken burgers on the beach, swam a bit, relaxed, and got quite sun-burnt. It was only a few beaches down that a great white shark took a man out to sea last week. They have shark spotters on the beach where we were today. The black flag was up, meaning that the waters were too choppy for visibility. So, most of us went for a swim anyways. Comfortable temperature. Great waves. About a half hour later, the siren rang and the shark flag replaced the black flag, which means a shark had just been spotted. Pretty exciting. Back home now and getting ready for the night. Got a pretty good Birkenstock tan-line that I’m happy about. Skype is up and running and OK to use now, so I’m down to chat it up anytime. Peace.

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