Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the beginnings of this cape town thing

“Desperate times call for desperate friendships, which leads to really good friendships”

My first blog post is dedicated to Brett Meyer. Since Internet only partially exists here, this is the first time I’m able to do anything online, so I’ll brief you with some highlights to catch you up. I finally made it to Cape Town after 21 hours of air time. Stomach felt blank, and I was uneasy. Xanax didn’t help me sleep at all, and I didn’t really desire to eat for a few days. On Friday night, we did some big time clubbing with all the international students (there’s 600+ of us) on Long Street. At this point, it’s basically just hundreds of us doing orientation stuff during the day, and drinking heavily at night. Badgers have a bad rep because there are so many of us. Long Street in downtown Cape Town is crazy as fuck. Packed place. People and taxis plugging the streets, sidewalks and bars. Horns honking. A lot of beggars and infinite sketchy people. I felt incredibly vulnerable to theft (or something) but for some reason I really didn’t care. The atmosphere just kicked any feeling of vulnerability right in the ass. Also, I kind of (indirectly) got pepper sprayed that night and it was awesome!

Everything seems so cheap here, so I’m justifying spending incredible quantities of money. After this week of orientation, we have another free week where I have a lot of things planned. Probably going great white cage diving among other things.

I’m getting used to my living conditions, but they’re definitely weird and a bit isolated. Weather is hot, my tan is coming along wonderfully. South Africans come in all colours, so I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job trying to disguise myself as one at times. Overall, the first week has been very fresh and overwhelming.

A special hello goes out to all members of the 444. Hopefully, the Internet will allow some skyping.

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